An insurance fraud scheme that hasn't been repeated since the 1990's has come back in full force as of recently. Four creative men devised a scheme that put insurance companies out of $500,000 and having innocent people paying for the repercussions. 48-year-old Michael Bozzi, devised a scheme to obtain Pennsylvania auto insurance policies and sell them to people living in New York City.
The scam was going on from January 2005 to September 2006 getting hundreds of New York citizens involved. A man named Bien Aime was being paid to advertise in New York City for cheap automobiles and cheap car insurance. Bien Aime was in charge of selling cars to New Yorkers and dealing with Michael Bozzi for the fake auto insurance policies. Bien Aime had an assistant to help him create fake P.O. Box addresses in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Auto insurance premiums in New York are estimated to be around $4,000 however through this amazing scam people were paying only $1,500 for a premium in New York. The biggest problem with this scam was that if a New York resident insured under this false auto insurance policy got into an accident who will pay for the damages? You would think that if you got into a car accident, your insurance would go up, however, the people who have to pay for the damages and premiums are residents of Bucks County, Pennsylvania.
Michael Bozzi was a licensed insurance broker who operated his very own insurance company. With the help of his very own employee, Josh Green, they were able to take the hundreds of applicants and submit the applications for out-of-state residents to insurance companies with false addresses and information. The men were able to print out fraudulent insurance cards and get around the system (but not for very long). All four men were charged with theft, corrupt organization, insurance fraud and many other crimes. Also Michael Bozzi who was once a licensed insurance broker with his own company is also being charged as well.
So how can you prevent this from happening to you? You, as an owner of an auto insurance policy, should do heavy duty research about the insurance company that you are receiving a policy from. Making sure that the company is real and the information they present you is not falsely represented. You should also educate yourself with knowing what is and what is not a fraudulent scam. People can stage accidents, add damage to an already damaged car to make it seem worse than it is, and having fake helpers. In the case of getting issued fake auto insurance policies, the best advice one can give is not to fall for an offer that looks and seems to be "too good to be true" and to research what you are doing before you get yourself stuck in a sticky situation.